Logika dan Emosi - Penulisan Artikel Bermutu

by 13.21
Di dunia ini ada 2 hukum terutama yang tak dapat dibantah oleh manusia:
  1. Hukum sebab akibat / aksi reaksi
  2. Hukum yang kuat memangsa (menaklukan dan sejenisnya) yang lemah
Semua mengerti ada aksi, ada reaksi. Bila ada yang melanggar peraturan negara, maka pantaslah bila polisi (ataupun tentara) mencoba mencegah pihak yang dirasa bersalah. Terlepas dari entah negara itu diakui secara de jure atau tidak, selama de facto negara itu ada, maka peraturannya perlu dihormati. Juga dapat dipahami bahwa kekerasan akan memicu kekerasan lagi. Kekerasan dalam kerusuhan contohnya, melempari tentara yang sudah memiliki senjata api tentu akan menuai balasan peluru tajam. Ini adalah sesuai dengan hukum aksi reaksi.
Hukum yang kedua adalah hukum alam. Dapat dilihat dalam dunia nyata, apakah ini salah satu bentuk ketidak adilan? Bila anda menjawab bahwa ini tidak adil, maka sebenarnya anda sedang menyalahkan TUHAN YME karena ia yang menciptakan hukum ini agar sebenarnya kita sebagai ciptaan selalu tunduk pada kehendak-NYA, yang terkuat dari seluruh yang ada.
Akan tetapi saya heran kepada banyak orang yang menulis di kompasiana ini tanpa memahami kedua hukum di atas. Mungkin saja emosi yang menguasai mereka akibat hal tersebut menyentuh sesuatu yang sensitif dalam kepercayaan mereka, sehingga mereka bahkan menyuruh, bukan lagi meminta, agar TUHAN bekerja bagi mereka, sesuatu yang sungguh absurd.
Logika dan Emosi dalam Menulis Artikel
Ilustrasi/Admin (shutterstock)
Ilustrasi/Admin (shutterstock) Dalam tulisan, lebih baik menggunakan logika karena logika membuat para pembaca mengerti alur pikiran dari penulis. Pembaca dapat melihat dasar pemikiran penulis, proses berpikir penulis dan kesimpulan dari penulis sehingga pemahaman pembaca kepada apa yang tertulis dapat menjadi lengkap.
Sebaliknya, emosi biasanya dilampiaskan dalam tindakan sehingga tidaklah baik dalam mengungkapkan pendapat dengan menggunakan tulisan. Mungkin anda akan lebih berhasil dalam pidato dan ceramah, bila anda dapat mengungkapkan isi hati anda dengan baik, anda dapat membakar perasaan orang banyak.
Saya melihat ada penulis yang menulis seperti ini: “Israel memang biadab”. Bila penulis sudah memiliki pandangan Israel biadab dan Israel bertindak seperti yang diharapkan penulis, mengapa dia protes? Bukankah Israel bertindak seperti yang dia harapkan? Ataukah dalam hatinya, sebenarnya ia menginginkan Israel bertindak penuh belas kasih? Heran bukan ada yang berkata “Israel adalah musuh *” kemudian ia heran ketika Israel membunuh orang * . Bukankah itu harapannya? Atau dia sebenarnya berharap orang * yang membunuh Israel? Tetapi tidak menyadari bahwa itu adalah hubungan 2 arah? Dalam contoh-contoh ini kita dapat melihat bagaimana emosi mempengaruhi logika penulisan.
Etiket penulisan juga perlu diperhatikan dalam penulisan. Spasi dan enter untuk memudahkan orang membaca membuat pembaca paham apa yang hendak ditulis. Menulis dengan huruf besar semua biasanya digunakan untuk penekanan terhadap sesuatu yang ingin ditekankan dalam argumen. Menulis dengan huruf kapital seluruhnya (kecuali dalam penyebutan TUHAN, yang adalah penghormatan), saya rasa merupakan perbuatan orang yang belum matang dan tidak dapat menguasai dirinya dalam diskusi. Demikian juga dengan men-generalisir orang/ stereotiping. Biasanya orang yang melakukan hal itu sudah buntu dan sudah tidak dapat berkata apa-apa, kemudian daripada ia malu tak bisa menjawab, maka ia melakukan hal yang lebih memalukan lagi.
Teori Politik
Dalam politik, ada yang mengungkapkan:
Musuh dari musuhku adalah temanku, dan tentu saja sebaliknya teman dari musuhku adalah musuhku
Dilihat dari strategi perang sekalipun hal ini adalah hal yang sangat masuk akal. Dalam berbagai tulisan yang mengutuk Israelpun merembet kepada US dan negara barat, bahkan PBB. Bahkan pernah ada anggota DPR yang berkata: “Apakah World Bank ingin mencari masalah dengan DPR-RI?”(terkait dengan kasus SMI dan Bank Century). Dalam hal ini kita harus bercermin. Apa kita tidak sadar adanya hukum yang kuat memangsa yang lemah? Apakah kita siap dalam berperang dengan seluruh bangsa yang disebutkan di atas? Untung saja pemimpin World Bank tidak tersinggung dan berkata: “Iya, memangnya kenapa?” Lalu ia mengumpulkan semua temannya untuk membangkrutkan Indonesia sehingga negara kita benar-benar hancur perekonomiannya. Melawan 1 orang George Soros saja kita belum mampu.
Saya sangat menyayangkan banyaknya orang yang mengutarakan pendapatnya yang sangat provokatif tanpa disertai kemampuan untuk melakukan pendapatnya. Mayoritas hanya bersandar kepada kitab sucinya, tanpa memperhitungkan konten, konteks dan cara pelaksanaannya. Istilahnya, nafsu besar tak ada kemampuan atau bagaikan pungguk merindukan bulan.
Kemudian ada yang mengatakan “Kemerdekaan adalah hak segala bangsa”. Tentu saja ini adalah benar. Toh secara de facto Palestina sudah merdeka, secara de jure hal ini menunggu dari hasil perang saudara antara Fatah dengan Hamas. Apabila saya pendukung Fatah, apakah saya dianggap tidak mendukung perjuangan rakyat Palestina? Seolah Palestina hanya Hamas saja. Saya tidak melihat korelasi Pembukaan UUD’45 ini terhadap proses perang saudara yang terjadi pada negara Palestina. Apabila Palestina belum diakui kemerdekaannya saya pikir ini terutama karena perang saudara antara Fatah dengan Hamas yang masih berlangsung sampai sekarang. Dan alasan mengapa Israel memblokade Hamas, saya pikir ini juga karena Fatah “meminta tolong” juga. Dan apabila saudara tidak mengakui kemerdekaan Israel, justru hal ini seharusnya merupakan bumerang bagi anda.
Saya berpikir bahwa logika berpikir yang jelas, diperlukan dalam penulisan artikel yang bermutu. Emosi hanya akan menutupi maksud yang ada. Etiket menulis perlu diperhatikan agar tidak memusingkan pembaca (yang mungkin adalah tujuan penulis yang sengaja melanggar, agar tidak ada yang dapat menjawab karena merasa pusing dengan tulisannya). Demikian pula dalam penggunaan alur berpikir dan contoh yang diberikan.
Selamat menulis.
Salam kompasiana.

Broker-Broker Utama Paid Review (Paid Blogging)

by 20.01
Broker Paid Review Paid BloggingProgram Paid Review (di luar negeri lebih dikenal dengan Paid Blogging) memang menjadi ‘kiblat’ keuangan sebagian besar blogger saat ini. Selain lebih terasa ‘cepat’ melakukan pembayaran, adanya kepastian pendapatan dari setiap review post yang kita buat, secara umum, prosedur untuk dapat ikut dalam program Paid Review juga cukup mudah bagi blogger pemula sekalipun. Asalkan review dibuat secara benar dan mengikuti aturan dari broker, maka earning dollar pun akan siap masuk ke account Paypal kita.
Nah, setelah mengawali postingan Blog Monetizing bagian pertama, maka pada postingan kali ini kita akan membicarakan broker-broker utama program Paid Review yang bisa kita ikuti:
Pay Per Post
PayPerPost.Com adalah broker Paid Review terbesar saat ini. Pengalaman yang sudah cukup lama dalam dunia Paid Review menempatkan PayPerPost pada posisi teratas broker Paid Review. Selain itu, adanya program PayperPost Direct cukup banyak membantu para blogger menemukan job dari advertiser meskipun blog mereka belum di-approve oleh PayPerPost.
Enaknya di PayPerPost, ada banyak sekali job yang bisa diperoleh blogger setiap hari, ditambah program affiliasi (referral)-nya yang lumayan menggiurkan bayaran komisinya. Hanya saja, selain aturan-aturannya ribet, untuk bisa di-approve oleh broker ini , seorang blogger mesti memiliki blog/situs yang benar-benar ‘qualified’, maintenance baik, posting regular dan traffik yang tidak rendah. Banyak blogger yang harus bolak-balik untuk mendaftarkan blognya karena faktor yang satu ini. Di samping semua itu, ada hal yang tidak terlalu bagus. Program PayPerPost juga sepertinya sudah di-mark oleh ‘spider Google’ sebagai paid links program, sehingga sebagian besar blogger yang ikut dalam program ini mengalami penurunan Page Rank (PR) secara signifikan.
SponsoredReview adalah broker Paid Review yang relatif mudah dan menguntungkan bagi para blogger pemula. Komisi yang dipotong dari setiap job yang dikerjakan blogger adalah sebesar 35%, jadi blogger mendapatkan 65% pembayaran dari harga sebuah job yang diberikan advertiser. Bayaran dari setiap job biasanya berkisar antara $5-$500 USD.
Di SponsoredReview, Blogger bisa bernegosiasi dengan advertiser dengan melakukan bidding, serupa dengan melakukan negosiasi untuk mengerjakan job yang disediakan oleh advertiser. Selain itu, blog dengan Page Rank rendah, asal memiliki link popularity yang lumayan atau Alexa rank yang bagus, sudah bisa diterima di SponsoredReview. Earning yang kita peroleh di SponsoredReview dibayar setiap dua pekan sekali melalui Paypal. Hal lain yang cukup menjanjikan di SponsoredReview adalah program Afiliasi dengan bayaran komisi yang cukup tinggi.
Penasaran? Daftar saja di sini.
ReviewMe sebenarnya satu perusahaan dengan Text Link Ads (TLA), bernaung di bawah MediaWhiz Company. Saya sendiri sudah bergabung di ReviewMe sejak bulan lalu dan mendapat earning yang cukup lumayan dari sini. Untuk bisa diterima sebagai publisher di ReviewMe, kita mesti punya blog atau situs yang memiliki Alexa Rank ‘lumayan’ dan Feed Subscriber yang banyak. Saya lihat faktor Page Rank tidak terlalu berpengaruh di sini.
Jika account kita sudah diterima berikut blog-blognya, maka akan ada notifikasi di bagian Dashboard yang menunjukkan jumlah job maksimal yang bisa diterima dalam sebulan. Jadi tinggal pinter-pinter memilih job punya bayaran terbesar. RevieMe mewajibkan blogger untuk menaruh kalimat penjelas di setiap postingan review yang mereka buat bahwa itu adalah postingan berbayar atau iklan.
Hal lainnya, ReviewMe sebenarnya juga punya program Affiliasi, tapi tidak seperti SponsoredReview, affiliasinya hanya untuk mereferensikan Advertiser, bukan Publisher/Blogger. Bagaimana pembayaran ReviewMe? Di broker ini kita dibayar setiap awal bulan, bisa melalui Paypal, Cek maupun PayOneer.
Saya kira blogger pemburu dollar yang ada di Indonesia pasti tidak asing lagi dengan broker yang satu ini. Mendaftar di Blogsvertise juga sangat mudah, biasanya bahkan blog dengan PR 1 juga sudah diterima, tapi akan jarang dapat job. Blog yang memiliki Page Rank yang tinggi (PR2 ke atas) akan lebih sering mendapat job, baik melalui email maupun leat Grab Bag Task (GBT). Asal rajin buka-buka account pada jam-jam tertentu, GBT akan kamu dapat. Lainnya, program affiliasi Blogsvertise juga mirip dengan ReviewMe, hanya untuk advertiser saja. Pembayaran Blogsvertise dilakukan 30 hari setelah kita men-submit URL postingan review di account kita, lewat Paypal.
Smorty sebenarnya broker Paid Review yang cukup menggiurkan. Hanya saja, pada beberapa waktu terakhir, aturan-aturannya semakin diperketat. Peluang untuk mendapat job dari Smorty juga terbuka setiap hari, yang penting rajin bukan account. Bayaran di Smorty dipatok minimal $6 USD setiap postingan dan dikirimkan setiap seminggu sekali lewat Paypal.
Ada yang bagus dari Smorty, yakni program Affiliasinya. Program affiliasi Smorty berlaku seumur hidup, sepanjang blogger/publisher yang anda referensikan masih memiliki penghasilan dari Smorty.
Blogitive adalah Paid Review broker yang mematok bayaran dari setiap review yang kita buat sebesar $5 USD saja, meskipun blog kita memiliki PR tinggi atau Link Popularity ribuan. Pembayaran dilakukan melalui Paypal sepekan sekali. Hanya saja, hingga saat ini, advertiser di Blogitive sangat sedikit, sehingga peluang mendapat job juga akan sangat kurang. Tapi nggak apa-apa kan mencoba peruntungan? :)
LoudLaunch menyajikan layanan Paid Review seperti PayPerPost dan ReviewMe. Setiap publisher/blogger yang mengerjakan review post diwajibkan memasang badge, logo atau kalimat yang menjelaskan bahwa postingan tersebut adalah berbayar pada bagian bawahnya. Pembayaran earning dilakukan melalui Paypal.
BloggerWave adalah Paid Review broker yang berbasis di Norwegia. Mereka mematok harga setiap postingan review sebesar $10 USD. Hanya saja, job di BloggerWave biasanya sangat sepi. Selain itu, beberapa blogger yang ikut BloggerWave mengalami keterlambatan pembayaran earning mereka, sehingga menggelari BloggerWave sebagai broker SCAM.
PayU2Blog berumur relatif muda di dunia Paid Review, tapi mengalami perkembangan yang cukup berarti. Untuk bisa diterima sebagai Publisher di PayU2Blog, blog yang didaftarkan harus dari hostingan sendiri (hosting berbayar), bukan dari layanan free hjost semisal blogspot atau wordpress. Pembayaran earning dilakukan melalui Paypal setiap 2 pekan.
BloggingAds juga adalah broker Paid Review yang sudah cukup lama beroperasi di dunia internet. Setiap blog yang di-approve di BloggingAds hanya bisa memuat review post maksimal 3 buah dalam sebulan, dengan harga setiap postingan biasanya hanya berkisar $5 USD. Tapi, untuk mereka yang tidak punya banyak waktu untuk membuat review sendiri, BloggingAds merupakan pilihan jitu. BloggingAds menyediakan review text yang sudah jadi berikut link-link advertiser di dalamnya, dan blogger tinggal meng-copy-paste-nya saja ke blog yang diberikan job tersebut.
Hanya saja, saat membuat postingan ini, situs BloggingAds sementara down (?) atau juga disuspend (suspended). Nggak tahu juga kenapa.
V7N Contextual
V7N Contextual sebenarnya bukan murni broker Paid Review saja karena kadangkala advertiser tinggal mencocokkan keywords yang ada dalam postingan kita dengan link iklan mereka. Setiap link dibayar sebsar $10 USD dan pembayaran melalui Paypal. Untuk mendaftar di V7N Contextual, kamu harus menjadi member di forum V7N.
LinkWorth bukan hanya menyediakan layanan Text Link saja, melainkan juga menyediakan layanan Contextual Links dengan bayaran yang tinggi (70%). di LinkWorth, setiap kali ada job yang diberikan advertiser, maka LinkWorth akan mengabarkannya melalui email account kita. Pembayaran juga dilakukan melalui Paypal.
InBlogAds adalah jaringan broker Paid Review yang memungkinkan kita dapat menjual text link seperti halnya membuat review postingan. Sekali membuka account, maka kita sudah bisa menjadi pubsliher/blogger maupun sebagai advertiser di InBlogAds. Cuma saat ini InBlogAds kelihatannya tidak cukup berkembang baik.
Broker Lainnya
Bagian ini bukan bermaksud menganaktirikan broker Paid Review yang lain, tetapi untuk menghemat waktu saja. Selain broker-broker Paid Review di atas, kamu juga bisa mengadu keberuntungan di BloggerTizer, Dewitts Media, LinkyLoveArmy, BlogtoProfit, Creamaid atau di BuyBlogReviews.

Dapat uang dengan cara survey!.(id.ipanelonline.com)

by 12.01
halo juragan-juragan semua....

agan udah tau id.ipanelonline.com???

Kalo blm pada tau.. Sekedar info aja gan ini situs survay berbayar yang komisinya pake rupiah

jadi jgn khawatir gag bisa ikut survay karena alasan tempat kita tinggal gan karena pada dasarnya ni situs memang buat kawasan asia gan...

makanya buruan gan ikut gabung kesini...
Tiap survay agan di kasih point... Terus pointnya kalo udah banyak bisa di tuker uang... Dari mulai noban (rp. 20.000), goban (rp.50.000), sampe pekban (rp. 100.000) heheheheh..

langsung aja gan ke ****tkp****
100% bukan jebakan betmen !!!

Sunday's Lovely Gossip

by 13.18

The Spanish newspapers were claiming this was the case last week but the Mail on Sunday have caught up and declare that Cesc Fabregas 'is so desperate to leave Arsenal for Barcelona that he has offered to give up more than £4million worth of bonuses'.

They claim that this latest twist 'amounts to an official transfer request' but we suspect they are stretching the point somewhat - it seems Fabregas is willing to give up the loyalty bonuses for the last four years of his contract in which he will not be at all loyal to Arsenal. This sounds more like common courtesy than a transfer request to us. But then again, we're tired.

The same report repeats the claim that 'serious consideration has now been given to selling Nasri to Manchester City for £25m' though Arsene Wenger has declared rumours that he has lost faith in the Frenchman as 'nonsense'.

So the upshot is that we're not really any closer to anything being resolved. Boo.

Never fear though, Arsenal fans, because you are about to be the proud owners of one Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. The Southampton teenager - according to the Sunday Mirror at least - will become an Arsenal player this week for an initial £7m that could rise to £12m with appearances etc.

According to scribe Steve Stammers, he will not be loaned back to Southampton and will instead become part of Arsene Wenger's first-team squad. He turns 18 on Monday, by the way. Happy birthday, fella.

Take this with a pinch of salt as it comes from the keyboard of Alan Nixon, but The People claim that Everton are so deperate to land Peter Crouch that they will offer Jack Rodwell in exchange. The transfer would apparently be a 'dramatic late £10million move' despite the fact that it really wouldn't be very late, and there's no indication whether any money would actually change hands in this bizarre swap deal.

There's also no clue how Everton would match Peter Crouch's £70,000-a-week wages when they can't even afford to sign Joey Barton on a free transfer.

Are you getting the idea that we're not really buying this one?

Newcastle boss Alan Pardew has admitted that Gabriel Obertan will be the next player through the St James' Park door, with the Frenchman expected to complete a £3m deal.

"The Obertan deal is about there. It is a permanent deal He will have to come through a medical - probably on Monday," said Pardew, as he also admitted that he will sit down for further talks with Joey Barton.

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Super Nani rocks City in Shield

by 13.16
Vidic: Lifts the Shield for United
The Portugal winger had already netted with a jaw-dropping leveller in what turned out to be the highest-scoring of these encounters since 1992.
He then capitalised on Vincent Kompany's blunder to win a game that seemed City's for the taking after Joleon Lescott and Edin Dzeko had taken advantage of David de Gea's hesitancy.
But Sir Alex Ferguson's introduction of three younger members of his squad at the break triggered a comeback for which United are so famed, Chris Smalling setting the ball rolling six minutes after the restart, triggering a richly-deserved victory charge for the Premier League champions.
It had been some 24 hours for Danny Welbeck.
Selected for England ahead of Jermain Defoe on Saturday, he started Sunday afternoon's showpiece whilst Dimitar Berbatov was on the bench and Michael Owen remained in his suit. The 20-year-old was part of a scintillating performance from the Red Devils that lacked only an opening goal.
Between them, Welbeck, Wayne Rooney, Nani and new signing Ashley Young cut City's midfield apart. Had United's final ball been better, they surely would have got their noses in front.
As it was, Lescott got in the way of efforts from Young, Smalling and Welbeck. Rooney curled a free-kick narrowly wide.
City's tackling grew increasingly desperate and after Mario Balotelli and Dzeko had got themselves embroiled with Nemanja Vidic and Anderson respectively, Micah Richards was fortunate to stay on the field for a studs-first lunge on Young that sent the former Aston Villa winger flying.
Referee Phil Dowd felt the need to issue some strict instructions to Blues skipper Kompany after another shuddering lunge from Nigel de Jong, this time on Welbeck.
How quickly circumstances can change.
Ferguson has already admitted to taking a gamble on De Gea, who - at just 20 - is being asked to fill the boots of a man with twice his age in Edwin van der Sar.
It had been accepted by Old Trafford's coaching staff that some work was required in the weights room for De Gea to have the best chance of dealing with the more physical nature of English football.
His lack of bulk may be the reason why he opted against coming for Silva's teasing free-kick seven minutes before the break. Neither Vidic nor Rio Ferdinand got themselves in position to make a challenge and Lescott calmly flicked it into the corner.
It got even worse for United, and De Gea, in stoppage time.
Dzeko was given far too much room in midfield to decide what to do with James Milner's square pass and after advancing 10 yards, lashed a fine shot into the United net.
It was one of those that, on first viewing, appeared to be De Gea's fault. Replays showed there had been some movement as the ball flashed in, which made life harder for the Spain Under-21 international.
However, there was a degree of culpability and clearly, De Gea is on a steep learning curve, not just in his goalkeeping but also United's DNA.
Ferguson's response was to replace three of his most senior players - Vidic, Ferdinand and Michael Carrick - at the break and introduce a trio of youngsters in Phil Jones, Jonny Evans and Tom Cleverley.
Within six minutes of the restart, Smalling had dragged the champions back into it, touching home Young's free-kick after Dzeko had completely failed to track his run.
Then came the equaliser, with Rooney, Nani and Cleverley opening City up with a devastating series of short passes before Nani beat Joe Hart with a delicate chip.
De Gea showed his raw talent by beating away a ferocious goalbound effort from Adam Johnson, then palming Richards' powerful header over.
The City duo were two of 14 Englishmen involved. The oldest member of United's second-half side was Young, at 26, during a spell following the departure of Patrice Evra and Dimitar Berbatov's introduction.
It was a taste of the future, with Cleverley in particular electrifying until he hooked an excellent chance over from eight yards.
The pity was it took a blunder to win it, Kompany failing to read Rooney's clearing punt, allowing Nani to rob him and charge forward, rounding Hart before tapping home.

Woman sparks $1 million luxury car smash-up

by 13.11
A driver sparked a costly smash-up involving more than $1 million worth of luxury cars in Monte Carlo.
This has got to be an insurer’s worst nightmare.
A female driver in Monaco drew quite a crowd when she was at the centre of one of the most expensive fender-benders you’ll ever see, involving more than $1 million worth of luxury cars.
The woman, who was driving a Bentley Azure worth around $380,000, sparked the costly smash-up after she hit a $95,000 Mercedes-Benz in a roundabout in front of the posh Place du Casino in Monte Carlo, the Daily Mail reports.
To make matters worse, the woman went on to hit three other pricey cars, including a Porsche 911 (priced at around $95,000), a Ferrari F430 ($270,000), and an Aston Martin Rapide ($220,000).
As you’d expect, the spectacular accident scene drew a throng of tourists and photo-snapping gawkers. And the offending driver had no choice but to mug for the cameras as her car’s doors were pinned shut.
The total damages are estimated to be around $65,000. The Ferrari, Porsche, and Aston Martin are said to require new front wings and bumpers, while the woman’s Bentley will need similar repairs, as well as a new door.

More violence in British capital after riots

by 13.09

People gather around a burnt out car on Tottenham High Road on Sunday, a day after riots broke out over the fatal shooting of a 29-year-old man in an armed stand-off with police.
LONDON — Groups of youths attacked shops and damaged a police car in north London on Sunday as police sent in reinforcements to prevent more rioting on the scale that laid waste to another area of the British capital 24 hours earlier.
Scattered incidents broke out on Sunday evening in Enfield, a few miles north of the deprived London neighbourhood of Tottenham, which was hit by some of the worst riots seen in London for years on Saturday night after a protest over the fatal shooting of a man by armed police a few days earlier turned violent.
Police Commander Christine Jones said the police had “extra resources” on duty across the capital on Sunday.
“Anyone else who thinks they can use the events from last night as an excuse to commit crime will be met by a robust response from us.” she said in a statement.
Three shops were damaged, and two of them looted, in Enfield and the rear window of a police car was smashed, police said, adding that several people had been arrested.
Local pharmacist Dipak Shah told the BBC he and his brother had barricaded themselves in their shop after 15 youths smashed the window and tried to break in.
“It was very threatening. It felt as though they could have actually killed or maimed somebody,” he said.
A Reuters photographer at the scene said a jeweller's shop window was broken but that riot police had flooded the centre of the suburb and youths, who had earlier hurled missiles at police, had dispersed.
Amid rumours there could be more flare-ups on Sunday, police Commander Adrian Hanstock told Reuters there was “a lot of ill-informed and inaccurate speculation on social media sites” that could inflame the situation.
In Tottenham, an area with large numbers of ethnic minorities and high unemployment, workers began cleaning up shops trashed by looters and police sealed off a main street to investigate crime scenes after rioters throwing petrol bombs set fire to police patrol cars, buildings and a double-decker bus.
Politicians and police blamed the violence on criminal thugs but residents attributed it to local tensions and anger over hardship.
Police said 26 officers had been injured as rioters bombarded them with missiles and bottles, looted buildings including banks, shops and council offices, and torched three patrol cars near Tottenham police station.
Residents said they had to flee their homes as mounted police and riot officers on foot charged the crowd to push rioters back.
The Metropolitan Police, which will handle next year's London Olympic Games in what is expected to be Britain's biggest peacetime police operation, faced questions about how the trouble had been allowed to escalate.
The disturbance was finally brought under control on Sunday. Buildings were still smouldering, bricks littered the roads and burglar alarms continued to ring out.
At a nearby retail park, electrical stores and mobile phone shops had been ransacked, with boxes for large plasma TVs discarded outside, along with CDs and glass from smashed windows. “They have taken almost everything,” said Saad Kamal, 27, branch manager of retailer JD Sports. “Whatever is left is damaged.”
Local MP David Lammy said it was not known if everyone had escaped flats above shops that were gutted by fire. “A community that was already hurting has now had the heart ripped out of it,” he told reporters.
Police and community leaders said local people had been horrified by what happened and appealed for calm.
The trouble broke out on Saturday night following the peaceful demonstration over the shooting of Mark Duggan, 29, who was killed after what was reported to be an exchange of gunfire with police on Thursday. Duggan's death is now being investigated by the independent police watchdog.
The riots come amid deepening gloom in Britain, with the economy struggling to grow while the government is imposing deep public spending cuts and tax rises brought into help eliminate a budget deficit which peaked at more than 10 per cent of GDP.
“Tottenham is a deprived area. Unemployment is very, very high ... they are frustrated,” said Uzodinma Wigwe, 49, who was made redundant from his job as a cleaner recently.
Tottenham includes areas with the highest unemployment rates in London. It also has a history of racial tension with local young people, especially blacks, resenting police behaviour including the use of stop and search powers.
The disorder was close to where one of Britain's most notorious race riots occurred in 1985, when police officer Keith Blakelock was hacked to death on the deprived Broadwater Farm housing estate during widespread disturbances.
Locals said there had been growing anger recently about police behaviour. “I've lived in Broadwater Farm for 20 odd years and from day one, police always prejudge Turks and black people,” said a 23-year-old community worker of Turkish origin who would not give his name.
Fingers were also pointed at the police for failing to anticipate the trouble, although Commander Hanstock said there had been no hint of what was coming. He said they expected to add to the 55 people already arrested.
The London force has been heavily criticized for its handling of recent large protests against austerity measures, while its chief and the top counterterrorism officer have quit over the handling of the News Corp phone-hacking scandal.
“I'm concerned that what was peaceful protest ... turned into this and it seemed to go on for many hours before we saw the kind of policing that I think is appropriate,” Lammy said.
Politicians said criminals and thugs, rather than those with genuine grievances, had taken advantage of the situation.
“The rioting in Tottenham last night was utterly unacceptable,” a spokesman for Prime Minister David Cameron said. “There is no justification for the aggression the police and the public faced, or for the damage to property.”
The capital also saw riots at the end of last year when protests against government plans to raise tuition fees for university students in the centre of London turned violent.
During the most serious disturbances last December, rioters targeted the limousine belonging to heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles and his wife Camilla.


Exposing Tower of London drugs and bullying led to firing, says ex-chief

by 22.44
Maj. Gen. Keith Cima alleged unauthorized tours of the Crown Jewels and allowing young female tourists to stay on the grounds during an unfair dismissal tribunal.
LONDON —There is trouble at the Tower of London, and heads are rolling.
The former governor of the tower says he was fired after challenging bullying, rule-breaking and marijuana-growing at the 900-year-old fortress. Maj. Gen. Keith Cima got the axe in January and appeared Tuesday at an employment tribunal claiming unfair dismissal.
In a written statement to the tribunal, reported in Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper, Cima alleged he was fired because he “stood up against bullies” and uncovered financial impropriety and cannabis-growing on the tower grounds.
He said that after being appointed in 2006 he found “completely unacceptable” practices including illegal raffles at the tower’s on-site social club, unauthorized tours of the Crown Jewels and allowing young female tourists to stay on the grounds.
Historic Royal Palaces, the body that runs the Tower, denies Cima’s claims. It says the allegations of wrongdoing were investigated but that no proof was found.
On Tuesday it said it could not comment further during an ongoing hearing.
The tower — a former royal residence and prison that houses the Crown Jewels — is staffed by 35 yeoman warders known as Beefeaters, military veterans who dress in distinctive black and scarlet Tudor-style uniforms.
The guide tourists around the tower and share its eventful history of imprisonment and executions — including the beheading of Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII. But more recently the turmoil has been among the staff.
In 2009 two male warders were suspended for allegedly harassing Moira Cameron, the first female Beefeater. One of the two was later paid compensation after management agreed he had been wrongly fired.
Cima claims he was fired after opposing that decision.
In a statement submitted Tuesday to Cima’s tribunal, Cameron said she had been “absolutely devastated” by the decision to apologize and pay compensation because it gave the impression she had been exaggerating her claims that she was bullied. She said Cima had expressed sympathy with her position.
The tower was founded by King William I shortly after he conquered England in 1066, and it served as a royal residence for several hundred years.
It is more famous as a prison. Famous inmates have included Sir Walter Raleigh; Princess Elizabeth, the future Queen Elizabeth I; Guy Fawkes, who tried to blow up Parliament; and Adolf Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess.
Two wives of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, were beheaded at the tower.
The Beefeater name is thought to derive from the guards’ former privilege of having their fill of beef from the king’s table.
Cassandra Vinograd contributed to this report.

36-year-old Olympic bear kept caged on parked bus

by 22.43
A bus stands at a parking lot in St.Petersburg, Russia, where Katya, a 36-year old bear, is kept in her cage.
ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA—For two years, a 36-year-old bear who performed during the 1980 Moscow Olympics has been kept with other retired circus animals in a rusty old bus parked on the outskirts of St. Petersburg.
Animal rights activists say they receive only minimal care in their cramped and stinking cages.
Katya the bear was a longtime star of the Big St. Petersburg State Circus on Fontanka, where night after night she and another bear delighted children by riding motorcycles around the ring.
During the 1980 Summer Games, the bears were applauded by thousands at a ceremony opening the football competition in St. Petersburg, then called Leningrad. Katya also performed in two movies released in the 1980s.
Since her retirement in 2009, Katya and the painted bus on which she once toured with the circus have not left a parking lot near a busy highway. The aging bear spends the long hours jumping up and down in her cage and trying to crack the rusty metal railings with her chipped and yellowed teeth.
Dozens of other retired circus animals also live in the smelly cages placed inside the bus and a minivan parked nearby.
Some occasionally are taken out to accompany photographers to downtown St. Petersburg to have their pictures taken with children and tourists. Others never get washed or examined by veterinarians, animal rights activists say.
“They can’t move normally and start going crazy,” Zoya Afanasyeva of the Vita animal rights group said as she stood by Katya’s sweltering bus on a hot summer day.
“Apparently they are being taken care of, but not more often than once a day, and this care is perfunctory because the smell here in the parking lot is unbearable,” Afanasyeva said.
Klava the bear shares a small cage with Pasha the boar. Birds with atrophied muscles live next to cats that don’t meow and stare straight ahead with pus-covered eyes.
Circus director Viktor Savrasov said the animals are cared for and Katya’s fate would have been worse if her trainer had agreed to have the bear put to sleep.
“Whatever happened, she did not leave her,” he said of retired trainer Natalya Arkhipova, who still visits Katya to feed her.
Animal rights activists have long urged Russia’s government to strengthen animal protection laws.

U.S. debt battle set to draw to close, for now

by 22.42
Pedestrians walk past The National Debt Clock. A deal over the debt ceiling doesn't signal the end of financial uncertainty for the U.S.
WASHINGTON—The United States is poised to step back from the brink of economic disaster on Tuesday when a bitterly fought deal to cut the budget deficit is expected to clear its final hurdles.
Just hours before the Treasury’s authority to borrow funds runs out—risking a damaging U.S. debt default—the Senate and President Barack Obama are expected to approve a deal to cut a bulging deficit and lift the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling enough to last beyond the November 2012 elections.
The bill overcame its biggest obstacle late on Monday when the Republican-led House of Representatives passed the measure despite noisy opposition from both conservative Tea Party members, who wanted more spending cuts, and liberal Democrats angered by potential hits to programs for the poor.
The vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate, due to take place at noon EDT, is expected to be less dramatic. If approved, Obama would sign the bill into law shortly afterward.
That would mark the end of a fierce partisan battle that has paralyzed Washington for weeks and spooked investors already nervous about a weak U.S. economy and Europe’s sovereign debt woes.
But it would by no means signal an end to uncertainty over the sustainability of U.S. tax-and-spending policies and the deep political divide that the deficit debate has exposed.
Relief in financial markets over an end to the gridlock on Monday quickly turned to concern about the struggling U.S. economy and the risk that the deal is not enough to avoid a possibly damaging downgrade of the top-notch U.S. debt rating.
The plan approved by the House on Monday would raise the borrowing limit by enough to last into 2013. It calls for $2.1 trillion in spending cuts spread over 10 years and creates a congressional committee to recommend a deficit-reduction package by late November.
Two major ratings agencies have said that $4 trillion in deficit cuts would allow them to confirm America’s AAA rating.
A ratings cut would probably push up U.S. borrowing costs, further hampering the economy.
“The resolution to the debt ceiling does remove one cloud of uncertainty but it does not change the economic reality,” said Greg McBride, senior financial analyst at Bankrate.com.
“It’s going to take years to come out of this. We’re sitting in the terminal waiting for the economy to take flight and instead it’s just being delayed month after month after month.”
Angel Gurria, head of the OECD club of industrialized nations, said the last-minute U.S. debt deal brought a “general sense of relief” but further negotiations involving much bigger cuts will be needed to resolve America’s debt problem.
“There will have to be very forward-looking decisions taken on that matter,” Gurria said on a visit to Athens.
The compromise deal was agreed after weeks of angry debate and brinkmanship between Democrats and Republicans.
With unemployment above 9 per cent and the economy barely growing so far this year, Americans have become increasingly angry over the partisan attacks and refusals to compromise.
They may soon face the next round of noisy sparring over ideologically fraught tax and spending policies.
The new debt committee’s work is likely to launch sharp political rhetoric as the November 2012 presidential and congressional elections near and arguments break out over the expiration at the end of 2012 of tax cuts pushed through by former president George W. Bush.
The deal in Congress is a far cry from a $4 trillion deficit-reduction pact including revenue increases that Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress, appeared close to clinching just over a week ago.
Although all sides conceded some ground to secure a deal, the final bill represented a triumph for the Tea Party camp in the Republican Party, which dug in its heels against any tax hikes and pushed for spending cuts.
Many congressional Democrats were dismayed that Obama and their party leadership did not do more to include some tax increases and provide more protection for social programs.
“I understand that this train is leaving the station, but it is going in the wrong direction,” said Representative Jim Moran, a Democrat from Virginia.

5 Makanan yang Identik dengan Kemiskinan di Indonesia

by 13.19
Bank Dunia mendefinisikan Kemiskinan absolut sebagai hidup dengan pendapatan dibawah 1 dollar AS per hari dan Kemiskinan menengah untuk pendapatan dibawah 2 dollar AS per hari. Di Indonesia banyak faktor yang menyebabkan sebagian rakyatnya hidup dalam keadaan serba kekuarangan, salah satunya kebijakan ekonomi yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah dan swasta. Sehingga untuk mengisi perut yang keroncong pun dengan makanan seadanya, seperti 5 makanan berikut ini:
1.Nasi aking
Sejenis makanan yang berasal dari sisa-sisa nasi, bekas, tak termakan, lalu dibersihkan dan dikeringkan di terik matahari. Nasi aking biasanya dijual sebagai makanan unggas. Tetapi belakangan masyarakat pun mulai mengonsumsi nasi aking. Nasi aking bukanlah makanan yang layak dikonsumsi manusia; berwarna coklat dan dipenuhi jamur. Namun, masyarakat kelas bawah menjadikannya sebagai makanan pokok pengganti nasi karena tak mampu membeli beras. Untuk menghilangkan bau, nasi aking terlebih dahulu dipisahkan dari kotoran, dicuci, dijemur, lalu diberi kunyit untuk mengurangi rasa asam akibat jamur yang tertinggal.

2.Tiwul atau Thiwul

Makanan pokok pengganti nasi beras yang dibuat dari ketela pohon atau singkong. Penduduk Pegunungan Kidul (Pacitan, Wonogiri, Gunung Kidul) dikenal mengonsumsi jenis makanan ini sehari-hari. Tiwul dibuat dari gaplek. Sebagai makanan pokok, kandungan kalorinya lebih rendah daripada beras namun cukup memenuhi sebagai bahan makanan pengganti beras. Tiwul dipercaya mencegah penyakit maag, perut keroncongan, dan lain sebagainya. Tiwul pernah digunakan untuk makanan pokok sebagian penduduk Indonesia pada masa penjajahan Jepang.


Makanan yang diolah dari umbi ketela pohon atau singkong. Prosesnya sangat mudah; umbi singkong yang telah dipanen kemudian dikupas dan dikeringkan. Gaplek yang telah kering kemudian bisa ditumbuk sebagai tepung tapioka yang bisa dibuat bermacam-macam kue. Tepung tapioka dari gaplek selanjutnya bisa dibuat menjadi nasi tiwul yang gurih. Nasi tiwul sangat populer di masyarakat yang hidup di Pegunungan Kidul yang memanjang dari Gunung Kidul di Yogyakarta sampai kawasan kabupaten Pacitan.

4.Nasi Jagung

Nasi jagung (Nasek empog) terdiri dari nasi putih yang dicampur dengan biji jagung yang telah dimasak bersama dengan nasi tersebut. Nasi jagung sama dengan nasi putih biasa dimakan dengan lauk-pauk lainnya

5.Angin dan Harapan yang Bias

Poin ini bukanlah makanan seperti empat poin di atas yang dapat dinikmati dan dikecap oleh lidah. Angin adalah ketika mereka orang miskin bahkan tidak mendapatkan dan merasakan makanan yang masuk ke dalam mulut mereka, akibat tidak memiliki pekerjaan dan hidup hanya bermodalkan belas kasihan masyarakat di sekitarnya. Harapan bias adalah ketika mereka dapat makan untuk beberapa bulan ke depan dengan harapan adanya kehidupan lebih baik di kemudian hari, yang diucapkan oleh pejabat-pejabat daerah yang mengunjungi mereka.Namun tidak kunjung terwujudkan, bahkan dalam jangka beberapa kali pemilihan umum.

Egyptian tomb mystery may be world's first protractor

by 12.52
A new angle (Image: Jane Maria Hamilton)The bizarre object to the right was found in the tomb of an ancient Egyptian architect. For over 100 years, it has languished while archaeologists debated its function.
Now, a physicist has thrown her hat into the ring, arguing that it is the world's first known protractor. The intriguing suggestion – which has drawn scepticism from archaeologists – is based on the numbers encoded within the carvings on its surface.
The architect Kha helped to build pharaohs' tombs during the 18th dynasty, around 1400 BC. His own tomb was discovered intact in 1906 by archaeologist Ernesto Schiaparelli in Deir-al-Medina, near the Valley of the Kings. Among Kha's belongings were measuring instruments including cubit rods, a levelling device that resembles a modern set square, and what appeared to be an oddly shaped empty wooden case with a hinged lid.
Schiaparelli thought this last object had held another levelling instrument. The museum in Turin, Italy, where the items are now exhibited identifies it as the case of a balancing scale.
But Amelia Sparavigna, a physicist at Turin Polytechnic, suggests that it was a different architectural tool – a protractor. The key, she says, lies in the numbers encoded in the object's ornate decoration, which resembles a compass rose with 16 evenly spaced petals surrounded by a circular zigzag with 36 corners.
Sparavigna says that if the straight bar part of the object were laid on a slope, a plumb line would revealed its inclination on the circular dial (as illustrated in this graphic).

Earth's time bombs may have killed the dinosaurs

by 12.51
Magmatic time bomb (Image: Toshi Sasaki/Stone/Getty)THE fate of the dinosaurs may have been sealed half a billion years before life even appeared, by two geological time bombs that still lurk near our planet's core.
A controversial new hypothesis links massive eruptions of lava that coincided with many of Earth's largest extinctions to two unusually hot blobs of mantle 2800 kilometres beneath the crust. The blobs formed just after the Earth itself, 4.5 billion years ago. If the hypothesis is correct, they have sporadically burst through the planet's crust, creating enormous oceans of lava which poisoned the atmosphere and wiped out entire branches of the tree of life.
Debates still rage over what caused different mass extinctions, including the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. An asteroid that smashed into Earth 65 million years ago is no doubt partially to blame for the Cretaceous giants' demise. But a less-known school of thought has it that this and other extinctions occurred when cracks in the crust let huge amounts of lava gush from the bowels of the Earth. Each event flooded at least 100,000 square kilometres, leaving behind distinct geological regions known as large igneous provinces (LIPs), such as India's Deccan traps, formed when the dinosaurs went extinct (see map). "There is an amazing correlation between mass extinctions and LIPs," says Andrew Kerr at the University of Cardiff, UK.
Now Matthew Jackson at Boston University, and colleagues, claim to have found evidence that LIPs are fed by 4.5-billion-year-old stores of mantle.
Most of the mantle has been modified by plate tectonics since then (see "Diamonds and the birth of plate tectonics"). But last year Jackson's team found that 62-million-year-old basalts from the North Atlantic LIP contain isotopes of helium, hafnium and lead in ratios that reflect the chemistry of early Earth's mantle.
They have now found similar lead isotope ratios in other LIP rocks, and say that LIPs in general may have an ancient source. Their analysis suggests this mantle contains an abundance of radioactive, heat-producing elements, making it unusually hot and potentially more likely to form the large quantities of lava needed to create LIPs (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature10326).
The ancient stores might still exist. Studies to probe the mantle's structure with seismic waves have revealed two unusual areas some 2800 kilometres down, beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean. Trond Torsvik of the University of Oslo, Norway, and colleagues recently showed that most LIPs formed while one of these two areas lay directly beneath them.
"It's an interesting idea - that a giant blob of hot magma might burp from near Earth's core every now and then, causing havoc for life," says Gerta Keller at Princeton University, but adds more work is needed to support the hypothesis.
Kerr agrees: "This will be controversial - it flies in the face of much of the research from the last 30 years." Conventional wisdom, he points out, suggests LIPs have a more prosaic source - young mantle formed when oceanic crust returns to the mantle through subduction.
But Torsvik is enthused. Having spent 10 years collecting evidence that his two mantle blobs have been stable for at least 540 million years, the idea that they contain primordial mantle is "like music to my ears", he says.

Antarctica rising as ice caps melt

by 12.49
On the up (Image: Gordon Wiltsie/NGS)ANTARCTICA is rising like a cheese soufflé: slowly but surely. Lost ice due to climate change and left-over momentum from the end of the last big ice age mean the buoyant continent is heaven-bound.
Donald Argus of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and colleagues used 15 years of GPS data to show that parts of the Ellsworth mountains in west Antarctica are rising by around 5 millimetres a year (Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2011gl048025). Elsewhere on the continent, the rise is slower.
A faster rise has been seen in Greenland, which is thought to be popping up by 4 centimetres a year.
Ongoing climate change could be partly to blame: Antarctica is losing about 200 gigatonnes of ice per year, and for Greenland the figure is 300 gigatonnes. Earth's continents sit on viscous magma, so the effect of this loss is like taking a load off a dense foam mattress.
But there is another possible contributor. "The Earth has a very long memory," says Argus. As a result, "there is also a viscous response to ice loss from around 5000 to 10,000 years ago going on".
Despite this effect, the known ice loss at both poles suggests that embedded in the local rises is a signal of current climate change - researchers just have to tease it out.

Executive Branch Obama Announces Debt-Reduction Deal Approved by Senate, House Leaders

by 12.39

President Obama announced Sunday night that leaders of both parties in both chambers have reached an agreement on a debt-reduction deal that will "lift the cloud of uncertainty that hangs over our economy" and prevent the nation from potentially defaulting on the nation's financial obligations.
073111_leadersinternalAccording to the president, the deal means an immediate cut of $1 trillion in government spending over a 10-year period accompanied by a $900 billion increase in the debt ceiling. That will be followed by the creation of a committee to come up with additional cuts worth at least $1.5 trillion to be voted on by the end of the year. The debt ceiling will be raised by $1.5 trillion if the committee recommendations are approved. 

Each of the GOP and Democratic leaders in the chamber will nominate lawmakers to the 12-member committee to report back in the fall. Tax hikes are not part of the package and a pledge for a Balanced Budget Amendment vote is.
Obama said everything will be on the table and both parties will find some of the cuts objectionable. 
"Despite what some Republicans have argued, I believe that we have to ask the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations to pay their fair share by giving up tax breaks and special deductions. Despite what some in my own party have argued, I believe that we need to make some modest adjustments to programs like Medicare to ensure that they're still around for future generations. That's why the second part of this agreement is so important," Obama said from the White House briefing room.
The Senate adjourned Sunday night without a vote on a deal, but Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said that the parties are going to have to give ground and compromise so the country doesn't default.
"I am relieved to say that leaders from both parties have come together for the sake of our economy to reach a historic, bipartisan compromise that ends this dangerous standoff. The compromise we have agreed to is remarkable not only because of what it does, but because of what it prevents: a first-ever default on the full faith and credit of the United States," Reid said.
Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will both present the agreement to their caucuses on Monday morning. House Democrats also set a morning meeting to discuss the details.
McConnell, R-Ky., said that the framework calls for a "review that will insure significant cuts in Washington spending."
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said after the president's speech that she'll see what kind of support her caucus can provide. 
Several objections are expected, including from Republican defense hawks who don't want the military gutted and from the Congressional Black Caucus, which called the deal a "sugar-coated Satan sandwich."
House Speaker John Boehner told his Republican caucus on a Sunday night conference call that the deal isn't done yet. But Boehner said it does not violate GOP principles. 
"We got 98 percent of what we wanted," he said adding that the framework cuts more spending than it raises the debt limit. It also caps future spending to limits in the growth of government. 
"It would also guarantee the American people the vote they have been denied in both chambers on a balanced budget amendment, while creating, I think, some new incentives for past opponents of a BBA to support it," Boehner said.
The 12-member committee, composed of six Republicans and six Democrats, three from each party and each chamber, will report the legislation by Nov. 23. The vote, to take place by Dec. 23, would be an up-or-down vote with no amendments allowed.
According to a  Power Point presentation presented by Boehner to the caucus, if the committee's recommendations are not approved by the end of the year, a "trigger" in the proposal would automatically enact across-the-board cuts -- with roughly half of the cuts coming from defense and half from Medicare.
The trigger would be enacted for across-the-board cuts if the joint committee doesn't reach at least $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction. If that happens, Obama would be allowed to request a $1.2 trillion debt increase and Congress would have to disapprove it subject to a presidential veto. 
While the trigger is supposed to hurt as incentive to get Congress to act, other programs like Social Security, Medicaid, veterans benefits and military pay would be off-limits.
House Republicans spent nearly an hour on the conference call with Boehner. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., chairman of the House Budget Committee said that the plan starts from a better baseline than the proposal presented by Boehner last week. 
But one House GOP lawmaker who told Fox News he intends to vote against the plan emerged from the call saying he doubted it was 98 percent in the GOP's favor.
"The minority leader's on board," said the lawmaker who requested anonymity in order to speak freely. "Really? Nancy's cool with only 2 percent? She's that stupid?"
The lawmaker added that Obama's health care law was protected while "the military got screwed," saying the across-the-board trigger between defense and Medicare left Medicaid off the table. The theory was advanced that the health care law will be achieved by pushing greater numbers of recipients of government health care benefits onto Medicaid.
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., a fierce critic of the entire process, did not outright oppose the legislation but also expressed his disappointment in the chain of events that led to the 11th-hour deal. He said he had wanted seven days to review the bill.
"Republicans offered budgets and bills with trillions more in spending cuts than contained in the current legislation. They lowered their proposal substantially so Democrats would end their blockade. That took courage. But the one fact every American must know is that the level of cuts in this proposal are only a first step. Far more work and much greater reductions in spending are required to balance the budget," said Sessions, the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee.
Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., also faulted the 11th hour negotiating but said, "We have settled on a reasonable compromise that all sides should immediately support and which I intend to vote for."
With Aug. 2 put forth as the drop-dead date for a deal or a potential default of the nation's loans by the Treasury Department, the Senate could begin voting on the legislation early Monday. The House has already approved rules that allow same-day voting on the measure. 

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